Nieuw te presenteren kunstenares Hilde Trip

op Naarden The Art Fair 2020


Natural Artist Hilde Trip ´Inspired by nature- collected by Hilde Trip´ In daily life, Hilde Trip lives in a natural flow. She lives day by day, without a lot of structure or organized patterns. But when she starts a new work she does like to organize nature. By repetition and rhythm of patterns the natural material becomes in the process of creation a piece of art. 

Where time and the flow of nature is captured in a moment and reorganized. When the piece is finished she recognizes the deeper meaning of the patterns and gives with this knowledge a title, which expresses the soul of the whole artwork. Her basic ingredients – leaves, shells, seeds and branches are collected throughout the seasons by herself. These offers of flora and fauna are combined in organic formed art object as well as complete decorated walls of restaurants, offices or other(public) spaces. She catches the beauty, the vulnerability but also the transience of nature and living in an enduring artwork. This gives her work also a deeper awareness of the temporal existence. Nature gives her so much beautiful material to work with, it inspires and challenges her constantly. Leaves in all sizes and forms are her favorite material to work with. Her natural collages fit perfectly in a modern or classical interieur and gives a peaceful point of attention. An additional benefit of Hilde’s work is the better acoustic of a space, because of the materials used. Her work is sold in different galleries or directly in her atelier. Hilde offers the possibility to combine the special wishes of a client or architect and her own ideas to make a custom made wall object. She really loves this process and the result, a happy family or satiefied company that feels connected with her work. She is educated on the Dutch Floral Master Academy and still works with a lot of passion, besides her own art project, in the flower industry. On a regular base she is asked to cooperate for projects of The Wunderkammer. Hilde’s optimistic view on life, her flow, her driven character and passion for nature and flowers make her a real interesting artist, that makes the viewer look at and enjoy nature in a way never seen before.